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Home Pools Pool Chemicals 5 Best Pool Flocculants: Based on Experience of 1000+ Real Users

5 Best Pool Flocculants: Based on Experience of 1000+ Real Users

What is the difference between flocs and clarifiers; how to use them correctly with no harm to a pool and health – discover all these tricks in one article.
Best Pool Flocculants

All owners of both personal and commercial pools face the same problem every spring – a dirty pool. Dirt comes from a variety of causes: plaque, algae, a torn pool cover through which leaves and dirt from rainwater got in, etc.

In this article, we’ve put together for you the 5 best pool flocculants that will make the pool cleaning process easier. It will not only become faster and more efficient, but also safer for your health. The top 5 flocculants, handpicked by our team through in-depth research, also don’t blow your pocket.

Deciding on the most suitable pool flocculant for you is easy because we’ve compared the best of them and highlighted the winning criteria of each. Check out our team’s research and a comparative review of each of the top 5 flocculants below.

Top 5 Pool Flocculants Comparison Table

The best in
The best in removing even small dirt parts in a poolBaquacil Flocculant
Baquacil Flocculant Water Haze Eliminator
Weight: 1.5 pounds
Form: Granular
Volume: 1.5 lbs.
Consumption: 8 oz. of this product per 10,000 gallons of water
Using duration: 12 - 24 hours
The necessary pool water pH: 7.2 – 7.8

- The most effective for removing small dirt particles
- The safest due to not containing chlorine that will not cause eye irritation and redness
- Cleans up the pool 2 times quicker than other granular flocculants

Show price

The best in
The fastest pool floc in getting cleaning up resultPool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant

Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant
Weight: 4 ounces
Form: Liquid
Volume: 1 quart
Consumption: 4 oz. of this product per 5,000 gallons of water
Using duration: 24 –the 72 hours
The necessary pool water pH: 7.2 or higher
- The fastest cleaning β€” get a pool crystal clear in a few hours;
- The lowest consumption-flocculant: you need to use only 1 bottle per 5000 gallons pool
- Can be used with 7.2 pH water (there is no necessity to high the pH level to 7.5 – 8.0)

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The best in
The best in full debris adhesion at a pool’s bottom
Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculan

Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculan
Weight: 5 pounds
Form: Granular
Volume: 5 lbs.
Consumption: 1/2 bottle of granules per 5 gallons of pool water
Using duration: about 48 hours
The necessary pool water pH: 7.8
- The most effective and the fastest for full debris adhesion at a bottom
- High cleaning up efficiency (80% of users managed to clean the pool completely with this flocculant)
- The most harmless for pools' different finishes (including vinyl-lined)

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The best in
The easiest flocculant to useIn The Swim Super Floc Out
In The Swim Super Floc Out
Weight: 2.58 pounds
Form: Liquid
Volume: 1 quart
Consumption: 8 ounces per the 10,000 gallons
Using duration: 24 – 48 hours
The necessary pool water pH: 7.5 – 8.0
- The easiest pool floc to use due to the fast and safe process of diluting it in water without unnecessary additional means and tools
- The lowest consumption-flocculant: you need to use only 1 bottle per 5000 gallons pool
- The clearest and simple instructions for the product

Show price

The best in
The most effectivePool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant
Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant
Weight: 2.7 pounds
Form: Liquid
Volume: 1 quart
Consumption: 4 oz. of this product per 5,000 gallons of water
Using duration: 24 – 72 hours
The necessary pool water pH: 7.2 or higher
- The highest cleaning up efficiency (100% of users managed to clean the pool completely with this flocculant)
- The cheapest liquid flocculant for pools
- The best in removing algae

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Tips and Tricks for Choosing the Most Suitable Floc Pool

Suitable Floc Pool

Going to different online marketplaces or regular store products for swimming pools near the house, you can be confused by the variety of products presented there. And immediately the question “What do I need to buy?” arises in your mind without an answer. We are ready to help you answer it.

When choosing the best suitable flocculant for you, pay attention to the 5 most important criteria described below.

  • Efficiency in the pool cleaning up.

You should discover how each product is good in getting results after the cleaning process. Before purchasing you can examine some reviews of the real users where people write their experience: is the floc was effective or not. 

The main ingredient of most flocculants’ chemical composition is aluminum sulfate. For you to use this chemical effectively, make sure you follow the instructions correctly. You should also check the condition of the pool water before using the flocculant: make sure that the pH and alkalinity of the water are correct according to the instructions, etc.

Aluminum Sulfate can lower the pH level of the pool water, so with some flocculants based on this component, users are advised to raise the pH to 7.5 or higher before cleaning. We do not recommend you mix several chemicals at the same time, as this can significantly damage the condition of the water, the pool’s surface, and its filters.

For your convenience, we gathered some more information on the best products in this category below in our article. Spoiler: the most effective in pool cleaning is the Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant.

  • Cleaning speed.

It is not a secret that a particular floc for pools is able to free of dirt up to 12 hours, another one can bring you a result after 24 hours of working or even longer. You should take this criterion into account when choosing the pool flox for yourself. If you’re looking for the fastest cleaning flocculant, we recommend you opt for Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant.

  • Contributes well to the complete adhesion of debris at the bottom of the pool.

The main difference between a pool clarifier and a flocculant is that the second chemical contributes to the small dirty particles’ adhesion and then moves it down to the bottom. This well-done function will help you to easily vacuum the pool and get rid of debris. Also, if all the debris will be debrided on the bottom there will be no necessity to clear the water 2 or more times to have a completely clear pool.

  • Easy to use.

Sometimes the process of cleaning the pool raises a lot of questions because it seems very complicated and time-consuming. Using some pool cleaners does require a lot of extra money and effort. But this is not the case with pool flocculants.

More often than not, the process of cleaning is simplified thanks to clear and easy-to-follow instructions for the product. Later in this article, we take an in-depth look at the winning product in this category. We also strongly recommend you make sure that the product comes with the proper instructions before you buy it.

  • Low consumption.

It is very important for pool flocculant users that the product is not too consumable. This directly affects how often and in what quantity it should be purchased. The most influential factor in this is the volume of your pool. This is also influenced by the purpose for which you are using the chemical: to remove a lot of dirt or to do routine cleaning. The best amount of flocculant consumption is 1 bottle (4 oz) per 5,000-gallon pool. Based on our research, we advise you of the 2 best products suitable for this characteristic: Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant and In The Swim Super Floc Out.

Why Should You Trust Our Research?

To help you make a quick and correct decision, we have selected the top 5 flocculants in 2022. So why these particular ones? Let’s get to the bottom of that.

Before we decide on the top 5 products according to users, our team found 9 pool flocculants that we researched further. We studied over 2,000 ratings and user reviews to highlight the main criteria for evaluating and ranking products. It is worth noting that we studied not only positive reviews but also negative ones, on a 1:1 ratio. This gives a more objective result, as all products had many more positive reviews than negative ones.

Based on the results, we chose the 5 best flocculants, which we will describe in more detail below. For the convenience of a quick decision, we also highlighted the main categories in which each chemical is the leader. All of these results for the top 5 flocculants are based on the experiences of 1,000+ real users.

Top 5 Flocculants for Pools: the Detailed Review

Baquacil Flocculant Water Haze Eliminator – the best for removing small dirt parts in a pool

Category winner: the most effective floc for removing small dirt parts in a pool

The granular Baquacil Flocculant Water Haze Eliminator is a unique product. It is the absolute winner in the category of the best for removing small dirt parts in a pool. Reviewers have not noted this criterion with other products. 

In terms of cleaning speed, it takes approximately 12 – 24 hours, making it one of the leaders in this category. But the Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant does the job in only 8 to 10 hours. 

The Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant is the only product whose efficiency is better than the Baquacil Flocculant Water Haze Eliminato because it is mentioned 20% more often in positive reviews (80% vs. 100%).

Baquacil Flocculant

Baquacil Flocculant
Water Haze Eliminato

Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculan

Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculan
The percentage of mentions of the β€œbest for removing small dirt parts in a pool” criteria (in a flocculant’s positive comments)

Show price

Show price

In The Swim Super Floc Out
In The Swim Super Floc Out
The percentage of mentions of the β€œbest for removing small dirt parts in a pool” criteria (in a flocculant’s positive comments)

Show price

This flocculant is widely used by municipal services for water treatment. It does not contain chlorine and does not make the water unfit for bathing. 

It is important to mention that this flocculant is not compatible with D. E. or cartridge filters. This flocculant sucking can be a threat to clog the filter, requiring serious cleaning or replacement at a later date, as well as destroying the cartridge. But you can simply remove D. E. or cartridge filters before cleaning and they will not be damaged.

Pros and Cons

Baquacil Flocculant Water Haze Eliminator has several advantages:

  • The most effective for removing small dirt particles;
  • The safest due to not containing chlorine that will not cause eye irritation and redness;
  • Cleans up the pool 2 times quicker than other granular flocculants.

The Baquacil Flocculant Water Haze Eliminator also has only one disadvantage:

  • It is not recommended for use with filters that do not have a recirculate setting (cartridge or D. E. Filters).

Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant – the best in cleaning speed

Category winner: the fastest cleaning up

One of the very first questions that pop into a potential buyer’s mind is “how long does it take for flocculant to work?”. We’ve chosen a flocc for the pool that won’t make you think about that at all.

The second product we want to review is the Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant. Based on research, our team identified it as the fastest-acting flocculant for a pool. Based on the experience of its users, it can completely clean a pool overnight, that is, in 8-10 hours. In comparison, you have to wait at least 48 hours to get a clean pool while using In The Swim Super Floc Out.

Below is a table comparing the speed of liquid flocculants based on their users’ experience.

Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant

Pool Mate Liquid Drop
Down Swimming Pool Flocculant
In The Swim Super Floc Out

In The Swim Super Floc Out
The period of the result waiting
about 8 – 10 hoursat least 48 hours

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Show price

Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant<br />

Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant
The period of the result waiting
about 24 hours

Show price

Users also comment on the high effectiveness of this pool cleaner. However, it is still lower than Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant according to the results of our research. Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant made a completely clean pool only for 80% of users when the Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant completed this task for 100% of its real users.

During the research, our team also noticed that Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant is also known for its low consumption during use. One 4 oz bottle of product is needed for a 5,000-gallon pool. The same low consumption rate is noted by In The Swim Super Floc Out users.

Pros and Cons

This flocculant’s advantages are the following:

  • The fastest cleaning β€” get a pool crystal clear in a few hours;
  • The lowest consumption-flocculant: you need to use only 1 bottle per 5000 gallons pool;
  • Can be used with 7.2 pH water (there is no necessity to high the pH level to 7.5 – 8.0).

Despite its numerous advantages, the Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant also has some disadvantages:

  • It’s not recommended for use with cartridge filtration: coagulation quickly clogs the cartridges and increases water pressure (this can lead to the filter tanks rupturing);
  • Its cleaning-up effectiveness is lower than Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant which means that a pool won’t be totally cleaned and there still will be dirt.

Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant – the most effective for full debris adhesion at a pool’s bottom

Category winner: the most effective for full debris adhesion at a pool’s bottom

The second product that made the top list is the Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant. It won in the category of the most effective for full debris adhesion at a pool’s bottom. The better the debris sticks to the bottom of the pool, the less likely you are to find dirty particles in the water after vacuuming the bottom.

This indicator is difficult to assess metrically, so we take as a basis the percentage of mentions of this criterion relative to the total number of comments on a particular pool floculant.

So, 30% of Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant users say it is the most effective for full debris adhesion at a pool’s bottom. In comparison, the Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant users mention it in only 10% of the comments.

Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant

Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant
Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant

Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant
The percentage of mentions of the β€œfull debris adhesion at a pool’s bottom” criteria
(in a flocculant’s positive comments)

Show price

Show price

In The Swim Super Floc Out

In The Swim Super Floc Out
Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant<br />

Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant
The percentage of mentions of the β€œfull debris adhesion at a pool’s bottom” criteria
(in a flocculant’s positive comments)

Show price

Show price

It is worth noting that 80% of the Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant users in the positive mentions note its effectiveness in cleaning the pool. Only the Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant has a higher rate of 100%. Also, the cleaning speed is 48 hours, which is average among the competitors (24 – 72 hours).

Pros and Cons

Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant has the advantages:

  • The most effective and the fastest for full debris adhesion at a bottom;
  • High cleaning up efficiency (80% of positive reviews note that as a result of the use received a completely clean pool);
  • The most harmless for pools’ different finishes (including vinyl-lined).

Also, Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant has some disadvantages:

In The Swim Super Floc Out – the easiest in use tool

Category winner: the easiest in use tool

It would seem: there is nothing complicated about using chemicals to clean pools. However, even this activity can be difficult. Thanks to detailed research, we were able to identify a product that is not inconvenient to use.

Let’s take a closer look at such a floc for pool – In The Swim Super Floc Out.

Based on our team’s research, 40% of the positive comments we surveyed about this product mentioned its ease of use. For comparison, we created a table with a similarly rated flocculant.

In The Swim Super Floc Out

In The Swim Super Floc Out
<br /> Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant

Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant
The percentage of mentions of the β€œeasy to use” criteria
(in a flocculant’s positive comments)

Show price

Show price

Baquacil Flocculant

Baquacil Flocculant Water Haze Eliminator
The percentage of mentions of the β€œeasy to use” criteria
(in a flocculant’s positive comments)

Show price

This product is also the unanimous winner in the “simple and clear instructions for the product” category – 20% of the positive reviews we discovered. It is the only flocculant that received this designation among all the others. This is a very important characteristic that directly affects the winning position of the In The Swim Super Floc Out in ease of use. The simpler the instructions, the easier it is to use.

Pros and Cons

In The Swim Super Floc Out is full of different advantages:

  • The easiest pool floc for using due to the fast and safe process of diluting it in water without unnecessary additional means and tools;
  • The clearest and simple instructions for this product.

At the same time, some disadvantages of the In The Swim Super Floc Out are still meeting:

  • It is necessary to high the water pH level to 7.5 – 8.0 before using.

Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant – the most effective chemical

Category winner: the most effective in cleaning up chemical

Perhaps the most important criterion in choosing a flocculant is its efficiency. Our study showed that the Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant is the leader in this criterion. 100% of positive reviewers cite it as being highly effective in cleaning the pool. However, the closest competing product In The Swim Super Floc Out has only 80% of positive reviews with this characteristic. It is important to note that you need to follow the instructions clearly for the best results.

Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant
Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant

Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant
The percentage of mentions of the β€œeffectiveness” criteria
(in a flocculant’s positive comments)

Show price

Show price

In The Swim Super Floc Out
The percentage of mentions of the β€œeffectiveness” criteria
(in a flocculant’s positive comments)

The Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant is unique because it is the only tool that can remove algae.

Its chemical composition is balanced and this floc does not harm your pool’s pH or alkaline balance. If the water is too alkaline (when the pH of the water is above 7.8): this can lead to turbidity in the pool water, as well as the formation of scale on the surface of the pool and its plumbing equipment. In addition, high levels of alkalinity reduce the effectiveness of chlorine and therefore its disinfection characteristics.

This floculant for pools is also excellent for different finishes, including vinyl-lined. That way, it won’t harm your pool’s finish, whatever it may be. If you’re a fan of unique and custom pool finishes, you don’t have to worry about their integrity when using this flocculant.

This chemical has a 24 – 48 hours turnaround time, which is faster or equal to the average 48-hour work of other flocculants. It is also worth noting that it can be used even at a low pH of 7.2 in your pool. So you don’t have to raise the pH of your pool water to 7.5 – 8.0 to make it work effectively.

Pros and Cons

The Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant has several advantages:

  • The highest cleaning up efficiency (100% of users managed to clean the pool completely with this flocculant);
  • The cheapest liquid flocculant for pools;
  • The best in removing algae;
  • The most harmless for pools’ different finishes (even with vinyl-lined);
  • Can be used with 7.2 pH water (there is no necessity to high the pH level to 7.5 – 8.0).

The Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant also has some disadvantages:

Pool Flocculant VS Pool Clarifier: What is the Difference?


We would like to point out right away that the flocculant is not a pool water clarifier. The main difference between these means is in their method and speed of work. A clarifier for pool lifts the dirt to its top, while the flocculant lowers it to the bottom. This makes pool cleaning an easy task, as all you have to do is vacuum the bottom of the pool of clumped mud.

The main differences between these two types of pool cleaners are listed in the table below.

The CriteriaPool FlocculantPool Clarifier
The cleaning speedAbout 10-12 hoursAbout 24 hours
The principle of workingAdhesion of dirt particles in a pool’s bottomCoagulation of dirt particles in pool water at a top
Additional actions for cleaningVacuuming a pool’s bottomNo additional actions needed
Can it be used with all types of pool equipment?It is not recommended to use with cartridge filtersYes


Pool flocculant is the most effective and easiest to use for pool cleaning. Thanks to in-depth and detailed research, we’ve gathered for you the 5 best flocculants in 2022. They vary in features and benefits as well as price. A table with their comparison and price is given below. 

In The Swim Super Floc OutIn The Swim Super Floc Out

The best in
Cleaning up speed
Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant

Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant

The best in
Full debris adhesion at the pool’s bottom

In The Swim Super Floc OutIn The Swim Super Floc Out

The best in
Easy to use
Low consumptionThe most harmless for pools' different finishes
(including vinyl-lined)
The clearest and simple
instructions for the product

Show price

Show price

Show price

Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant
Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant
The best in
Cleaning effectiveness
Baquacil Flocculant
Baquacil Flocculant Water Haze Eliminator
The best in
Removing small particles in a pool
The best in removing algae;
it doesn't disturb a pool’s pH or alkaline balance;
it is balanced chemical wise
The cheapest pool floc

Show price

Show price


πŸ” What are the best pool flocculants?

Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant – the fastest cleaning speed.
Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant – the full debris adhesion at a pool’s bottom.
In The Swim Super Floc Out – the easiest to use.
Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant – the best efficiency.
Baquacil Flocculant Water Haze Eliminator – the best for removing small dirt parts in a pool.

πŸ‘€ Are the pool clarifer and flocculant the same thing?

No, the difference is that the clarifier pool cleans slowly and less effectively by lifting the pieces of dirt to the surface of the pool, while the flocculant achieves results faster by lowering the dirt to the bottom.

πŸ† How fast can a flocculant clean the water in a pool?

Usually, it takes 12 – 24 hours, but the Pool Mate Liquid Drop Down Swimming Pool Flocculant can clean water in 8 – 10 hours.

🩹 Does the flocculant not spoil the finish of my pool?

Pool Basics Drop Down Liquid Flocculant and Maintain Swimming Pool Granular Flocculant are excellent for all types of pool finishes (including vinyl-lined).

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